Yogyakarta, Indonesia
About the TCO18 Indonesia Regionals Event
The TCO18 Indonesia Regional Design Event will take place on Saturday, August 11, 2018 and Sunday, August 12, 2018.
Address:Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta Hotel
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.81
Yogyakarta, 55281

Event Details
The event will include design workshops featuring adroc, design competitions, prizes, and some surprises!
The event will also allow you to mingle with other Topcoder members in your area, learn from the best, and get you a Topcoder t-shirt! See the entire schedule below.
Frequently Asked Questions
The event will have a few design events that will be determined soon!
You can bring your laptop for the competition and any power cords you may need.
Becoming a Topcoder member is easy and free. Best to register as a member before attending the event so you can take part in the competitions. Go here to register.
All every attendee gets a rad t-shirt. Plus adroc will have some cash prizes as well!
If you’re an up and coming designer, being a part of the Topcoder community has immense value. Attending this event gives you networking opportunities for a potential job or internship.
That is fine, but only one person per ticket is allowed.
You can attend one or both days. We recommend coming to both but please make sure you register for both.
You can contact us by asking questions in the forum or drop an email to tco@topcoder.com